
I will praise Him

我很喜欢博客里的这首歌"I will praise Him, still". 每每听这首歌,我就要流泪.第一次听到这首歌时是带一位心灵受伤的朋友去教堂,唱到这首歌时, 她泣不成声.我能理解.当人在困境的时候也要赞美, 因为那也是上帝对你的爱.当上帝关上一扇门的同时,也就为你敞开了另外一扇门.但对于逆境,我们往往难接受,至少是开始的时候.我们没有足够的智慧和勇气去认识和面对.但我们要相信的是上帝爱我们,遵从他的意志,我们会得到最好的安排.

I will praise Him, still

When the morning falls on the farthest hill,
I will sing His name, I will praise Him still.
When dark trials come and my heart is filled
With the weight of doubt, I will praise Him still.

For the Lord our God, He is strong to save
From the arms of death, from the deepest grave.
And He gave us life in His perfect will,
And by His good grace, I will praise Him still.

